Friday, December 5, 2008

That dog is fat

Boy, Brownie is really selfish. She just sits wherever she wants and doesn't even realize I'm here!

I was having a nice little nap in bed and she comes over and just lays on top of me. She doesn't even realize how fat she is.

After that, I had to go find a corner to poop in!



Rebecca said...

thanks for stopping by dogs rule cats drool on wordpress. Hope you found something enjoyable. Becky

Poppy said...

Were you at least warm and cozy with Brownie sitting on you? I sure hope so!


Anonymous said...

Hahaha! so cute! Happy Holidays! Here's another cute site that I found today, I used it to send my holiday greeting cards to my friends. They were all amazed to see my dogs singing Christmas carols!LOL!