Friday, March 28, 2008


Sometimes I like to sit in a box. Sometimes I even get stuck in a box!


Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Stretchy Pig

Sometimes I like to play with Stretchy Pig on top of the bedroom rabbits' basket. It's pretty good up here.


Another nap

It's 9:30 and I am just EXHAUSTED.


Tuesday, March 25, 2008

I'm cute too

Why does everyone think that new dog is so damn cute with his toy? I have lots of toys, and I am cute too. See?



Sometimes I like to play with my Stretchy Pig with the rabbits. I guess they're okay to play with; they don't really do much or anything, but they're sort of nice to be around. And they don't try to take my things.


This is the life

Snackin' Bacon in bed...this is the life.


Monday, March 24, 2008

In My Face

Why is everyone always up in my face? Why can't they just leave me alone?



Pepe takes SUCH a long time to eat. It drives me crazy. My food is gone in a second, and then I have to just wait wait wait until he finishes his so I can lick out his bowl. When the people aren't watching, sometimes I just move in and eat the rest of his food before he's done. You can't blame me; I'm hungry and he's just so slow.


My bed

I like to move my bed around; it normally lives inside the box that they make me sleep in sometimes, but my preference is to be free, so I like to drag my bed around the house. I won't be controlled--I'm Taz!


Another nap

After a long weekend of napping, it's good to get back to routine--breakfast, followed by a nap.


Saturday, March 22, 2008


I really do enjoy a good chew now and again.

Missing Kate

Kate, Mom's friend from North Carolina, visited us last week and is now gone. I don't know why she left. She was really fun and spent a lot of time with us, kissing and snuggling and playing with us. But now she's gone and I'm pretty depressed. She also spent a lot of time with the cats, which I don't really get, but now she's gone.


A nap ruined

I was having a good post-breakfast nap, and that new dog jumped on the bed and ruined the whole thing for me. There goes my Saturday morning...


Indoor Poo

The people here don't like it when I poo inside. They get all mad about it and shove me out that little door into the cold. I have never seen THEM poo outside, in the dirt and rocks, where it's cold and doesn't smell good, so I'm not sure why they think that I would do that. I'm Taz, after all.


Friday, March 21, 2008

Hyster Sister

Two weeks ago my mom went into the hospital to get spayed. I got spayed too a bunch of years ago but don't remember it much. My mom's been in a lot of pain and has a hard time with recovery, so I've been doing my best to snuggle up with her and give her my best sympathetic eyes that I can do. My dad calls me her hyster sister.



Another day, another solid nap.


Stretchy Pig

Stretchy Pig is my very best friend in the whole world. I got him when I first arrived at my new home, and he's been with me every since. I can't be without him for very long, and when I first wake up in the morning or come out of my box in the afternoon, the first thing I do, after going outside to pee, is to find Stretchy Pig and run him around the house. I feel that he needs to tour the entire house a few times in my mouth in order to get the day started again. I really love my stretchy pig.

Our own blog

Because our mom and dad are writers, it was about time that we got our own blog too. Because we don't play well together, our posts from here on out will be separate, and you can decide for yourself who among us is the better writer!

Pepe (#1), Brownie (#2), and Taz